Wednesday, December 15, 2021

2021 Reflection

 Ni Hao Bloggers!

Today I made a reflection about this year. I had 6 different question, What is something that will always stand out in your memory of 2021? What has this year taught you? What is something that you are looking forward to next year? What has been the biggest challenge for your learning this year? What is something that you’d like to improve on next year? What is something I enjoyed this year? This year was a hard year there were a lot of challenges we had to face hopefully next year is going to be better. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Poetry Slam SLJ

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I did my 2nd activity, first I listened to some poems and when I was done with that I choose had to choose if I wanted to do the kick start or the Step it up the step. Step it up was slightly harder and more work. I wanted to make it challenging for my self so I choose step it up. First I started with inserting a picture of myself in the middle and changed the shape of my image into a circle then I added some picture of things I see during the summer, somethings I do during the summer, places I go to during the summer, plants and animals I see. I used the explore tool to get my images. 

Monday, December 13, 2021

SLJ Activity One

Hello Bloggers!

Today I did my first Summer Learning Journey activity! I had 3 different types of planes. A Plane, Hoop, and a Ring Glider. Making the rings of the Ring glider was the trickiest bits for me the first time I did it it was too small. The Ring Glider was the heavest however it went the farthest. The Hoop didnt go as far. The Plane was alright but it didnt go the farthest. My favourite one was the Ring glider. I enjoyed making the Hoop it was very easy. If you are having troubles with making a straw you could use a pencil or something thats shaped like a straw. Also dont put too much tape on the straw because that will make it heavy and it wont go that far. I think the hoop didnt go as far as the others because the air went throw the hole and it was too light so it fell down. If you would like to make one here is a link

Wednesday, December 8, 2021


Hello Bloggers!

Last term we had a film festival but it was canceld because of the lockdown but we could still make a animated film. 

I started on a animation about a pirate crew. I made this animation with a buddy. We had a lot of slides, our animation was about a pirate crew sailing on the sea and then they come aross an island and on that island they see a giant. 

I really enjoyed creating my characters for my animation.

Something I found challenging was moving the charcters in each slide and I also had to move every bit of it.

I am proud of the characters and the ship that my buddy and I created it took sometime to make it at first because we didnt know how to make the characters, we could use the explore section but unfortunately we couldnt find anything that looked nice.

Something I would change to improve my animation is to make it more intreseting and add more detail to my animation. 

If you made an animation could you leave a link to it in the comments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Kindness Wheel

 Hello Blogger!

Today I created a wheel of kindness I wrote some kind things you can do. I wrote about 17 kind things you can do. I think Kindness is important because it can make more positive relationships with family and friends, If your kind to someone they will be kind to you. When your kind it might also encourage other people to be kind. Kindness could also make someone feel good about themselves. You also get respect in return. If you want to create your own Wheel of Kindness you can use this website. Here is a link to my Wheel of kindness Link <-- 

Here is an image of my wheel. :) 

Monday, November 1, 2021

DLO Diwali

Namaste Bloggers!

Today I created a DLO about diwali this was one of my tasks for today that I had to complete. I had a few choices to make my Dlo on I choose slides. But before I made my dlo about diwali I gatherd some facts that I could use for my dlo. The first slide was What is diwali? the 2nd slide was when is it? the 3rd slide was Who celebrates it? the 4rth slide was How is it celebrated? and the 5th slide was why is it a significant celebration? Once I was done with writing I added some pictures and changed the transition. Something new I learnt today is the meaning of Diwali. Something I found interesting was that each day has a name. 

Here is my Dlo

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Health & PE - 3

 Ola Bloggers!

Whano Whano

Whano Whano is a maori game that you can play in a pair. A player says Funnel to start the game and both players get into a position you can put one leg behind and one leg foward or you can put your legs together or apart. If you have the same position as the other player you say he and first one to say he gets a point, but if you dont have the same position and a player says he the other player gets the point. If you call it at the same time the player that is the loudest gets the point. I played Whano whano for about 18 minutes with my siblings I didnt win all the rounds but I did manage to get 31 wins.

Tug of Peace

I got some rope and tied the ends together then I placed the rope on the ground. Then everyone sat around the rope. We all grabed the rope with 2 hands and tried to stand up while holding onto the rope. We could not let go of the rope and touch the ground. I tried to get up and fall down I accidentally let go of the rope. This game was really fun I enjoyed it a lot and maybe you should try it.

Heu - Tongan Stick Game

Heu is a village game you need 4 sticks. 1 long and 2 short sticks you need 1 more stick to shuck the top stick on the triangle. Make a triangle with a hole make sure there is 1 stick that is on top of the other 2 sticks. Use your 4th stick which also needs to be long and shuck the stick thats on top of the 2 other sticks fowards. If the other plays catch the stick your out. If they cant catch it they need to throw it in the hole. If the stick hits the long stick your out.

Impaired muscle power

I made my own throwing game I used a hat, chairs, and rolled up rocks. First I placed the hat in the center then I place a chair infront of the hat and I kept doing that but each time I placed the chair it would be further than than the chair I placed before also the chairs need to be in a circle or oval shape I placed a rolled up sock on each chair. for getting a sock in the hat you get a point if you miss you need to keep going and while your throwing the socks you need to be seated on the chair. Whoever has more socks in the hat wins.

Health & PE - 2

 Bonjour Bloggers!

I Spy

Today I started with the 1st activity I spy I went on walk with my mum. While I was walking I saw spider webs in between the fences. I saw 1 - 2 stop signs, I didnt see a yellow car or a red mail box, but I did see some traffic lights, I also saw a fruit tree, and lastly I saw someone walking a dog. I wasnt able to find them all but I did find a few.


I got a balloon and I got 2 of my siblings to play with me. Then we all held hands in a circle we kept the balloon in our circle and off the ground. We did it again but this time outside it was so windy and thats what made it challening it kept getting out of the circle. We thought of a few ideas to try and keep the balloon in the circle but none worked out. We tried to kick the balloon softly to keep it in the circle but it was too windy.

Target throw Naughts and Crosses

I found white chalk in my house and drew a grid. I used branches and cushions. I played with my brother we each rolled up 3 socks. Then I made a line and wrote 1st. I the grid small, My brother started first he throw one of the socks and he missed and I did the same I missed too. We both kept missing. We both went and got our socks and tried again. The winner of the game was my brother.

Vision impairment

First I made an eye using string and some cardboard I cut out cardboard in a eye patch shape using scissors. Then I made 2 little holes for the string. My brother also made one. Once I finished making my eye patch I played a game of handball with my brother. Then I throw some paper into a bucket that was easy. I found this activity fun but it was hard I could only see with 1 eye.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Health & PE - 1

Ciao Bloggers!

Today I was a bit bored so I wanted to do one of the activitys from the choice board. I choose Health & Pe. I started of with the 1st once getting active I did 5 Starjumps, 5 Burpees, 5 Squats, 5 lunges, and 5 high knees. The hardest one for me was the Burpees. The easiest was starjumps.

 Next I started with my 2nd activity Teamwork. I got a sheet and some Plastic balls. The Pastic balls were the popcorn. I placed the Plastic balls on the sheet and then Me and my siblings counted for how long it stayed in the air. We kept the Plastic balls on the sheet for about 13 seconds by the time we reached the 5th second the balls started falling off. 

The 3rd activity was called Coordination. In this activity I used 4 items to make the tallest tower I could. I used a Jar of cookies, bucket of Honey, Tissue Box, and a bottle, I stacked them on top of each other. I put the jar of cookies on the ground and I put the bucket of honey on top of the jar and at last I put the bottle on top of the tissue box carefully. My tower was as tall as my hip. I did this again and this time I wanted to try and make it taller I used Baking Paper, foil wrap, cleaning spray, and lotion. I place the baking paper on the ground. First I placed it so it was facing upwards then I placed the foil wrap in the same way as I did to the baking paper this next bit was quiet hard. The lid of the lotion was very small and the lid of the cleaning spray. I asked my brother to help me and he did so he held the lotion and put it on top of the foil wrap I put the cleaning spray on top of the lotion. We both let go very carfully I stood next to it to see how tall it was. It was taller than my hip, it was right underneath my shoulder.

This next activity is called paralympics. This one was a hoping marathon, I made circuit around my house and I hopped around on 1 leg I did this 5 times to make it a bit challenging. I didnt want to stop because If I did I might of fell down. I fell down twice so I restarted. These Activitys were really fun but these aren't all of the activitys. I'm going to do 4 more activitys tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Madlib Story

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I mad a Madlib about a Photo shoot. To make a Madlib story you need a few words and then you use those words to make a story. I used a website to make my Madlib story. I had 10 words here are my words. My first word needed to be a animal my animal was a Wolf, My second word was happy I needed to do a feeling for this one, My thrd word was flowers, and my other words were Lawyer, dress, Cactuses, Friend, Desert, Walking, and for my last word I needed to choose a food my food item was cake.

Once I was done writing my 10 words I clicked generate madlib and that gave me my madlib story it had the 10 words that I choose. The story that I got wasnt what I expected it was weird.  Next to some words it says (Plural) plural means more than 1. This task was really fun and if you want to make your own Madlib story you can use this website Madlib Story Generator.

Here is my Madlib story

Friday, August 27, 2021


 Hello Bloggers!

Yesturday my writing task was about the lockdown. It was how you might feel about the lockdown, the hardest things, the best things, and lastly what I will do when lockdown ends. The 2nd slide had 18 sticky notes and on each sticky note you write what you might be feeling about the lockdown. I wrote down a few things I feel about the lockdown and a few some other people might be feeling about the lockdown. 

For the 3rd slide I made a table and it was 2x2 I wrote the Hardest things and the Best things. Underneath the hardest things I wrote the hard things about lockdown and underneath the best things I wrote the best thigns about lockdown. I wrote 5 things about the hardest things and 4 about the best things. I used bullet points for each sentence. I made a list for both of them.

Lastly for the 4th slide I didnt have that much things I wanted to do after lockdown ends. I only did 3 things. I made a list for this one too and I also used bullet points. 

Here is my Lockdown slids

Friday, August 20, 2021

Acrostic Poem

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I wrote an Acrostic poem my topic was Spring. An acrostic poem is a poem that uses the first letter from each consecutive line. I enjoyed writing a sentence for each letter but I had trouble with the letter N. I couldn't think of anything. If you want to make an Acrostic poem I think you should choose a topic you know a lot about. The letter I and S was pretty easy. I choose spring because Spring is my favourite season.

I first started with writing spring aross the page then I wrote spring at the top of the page. Once I was done with writing my Acrostic poem I moved onto decorating it. Finding a Png flower on google wasnt easy I kept finding pictures with backrounds so I pressed ctrl shift alt I and that opend the explore. I used that to find a Png picture of flowers. I was able to find a png picture of flowers. I placed the flower on the right side of the page in a line and I did the same at the bottom of the page. I left a little space between the flowers so I could add the black lines then I added 4 images.

Here is my Acrostic Poem


Thursday, August 19, 2021

How to make a Paper Aeroplane

 Hello Bloggers!

Today I wrote down intructions for how to make a paper aeroplane. All you need to this paper aeroplane is a piece of paper. I first made the paper aeroplane then I took another piece of paper and made the paper aeroplane again but this time I wrote down the intructions. Once I was done writing the intructions I made the paper aeroplane by following the intructions. This was pretty easy, I think it was easy because I already knew how to make it. Here are my intructions 

1. Fold the paper in half vertically

2. Unfold your paper  

3. fold each of the top corners into the center line.

4. Fold the top edges into the center line

5. Fold the aeroplane in half towards yourself

6. Fold the wings down, match the top edges with the bottom edge 

7. Unfold the wings

Now you have a Paper Aeroplane!

Were you able to make the Aeroplane?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Drawing Roll a dice story

Hello Bloggers!

Today I wrote a story about a monster. I had the option to draw a picture that matches my story. I drew my picture on a google drawing. I used different shapes and colours.  The monster took a very long time to draw I used Polyline to draw my monster, the green thing next to the monster is the bag that he puts the insects in. I drew the monsters house and next to the house I drew the pond with the dead insects in it. The insect that are in the pond are flys. My favourite thing was my blueberry bush and the monster. I had fun making the flys and the and the blueberry bush. This took my a long time to complete. Making the monster wasnt easy it took a long time for me to draw the body of the monster.

I started with the blue sky I used a square shape and turned it into a rectangle then I added 4 cloud that are different sizes. I moved onto the trees I didnt want to use the same trees so I made 2 different trees. Once I was done with the trees I made my monster I used shapes for the eyes, legs, hand, and teeth. Then I made the monsters bag this was pretty easy it took me about 5 minutes to do. Now the Blueberry bush I used the cloud shape to make the bush and I used the circle and star shape to make my blueberries. The House was also easy I used the square shape for the walls of the monsters house then I used the rectangle for the 2 doors I colours the door brown, I used the circle shape for my door handle, I used a triangle shape for my roof I coloured it black. Finally the pond I used the circle shape and colourd the water in the pond a dark green, now for the flys in the pond I used polyline and shapes I only used shapes for the eyes of the fly. 

Here is my drawing

Roll a dice story

 Hello Blogger,

Today I had to complete 6 tasks my 6th task was write a story but before I wrote the story I had to roll a dice 3 times the first time was for your character the 2 time was the setting and the 3 roll was for the problem. I rolled the dice and it landed on 1 one was a 2 headed monster then I rolled the dice again and this time it landed on 5 five was in a dark forest and I rolled one again it landed on 5 again five was a poisoned berry. 

First I wrote a paragraph about my 2 headed monster. My 2nd paragraph was about my monster looking for food. My 3rd paragraph was the problem the problem in my story was that my 2 headed monster ate a poisoned blueberry and my last paragraph was the solution. Altogether I wrote 4 paragraph I had an option to draw a picture that matches my writing. Once I finished my writing I edited it and read it again. 

Here is my writing 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Tokyo Olympics

Hello Bloggers

Today the senior class's went to Tokyo Olympics. We got on the bus at 9:00 there were 2 buses and 3 class's so my teacher slipt us into 2 groups my group went to room 6's bus and the other group went to the bus that room 8 were siting in. Once we got there we got of the bus and Poppy gave us a black wrist band. We went and sat on floor. There were 2 people siting on chairs with mics in there hands. Their names were Rob and Debbie Tanner. Debbie was an olympian athlete and she did the triathlon the sports she did in the triathlon was Swimming, Running, and Biking. There was another School there too. We asked some questions for Debbie. Then we went to the Tokyo game zone and the other school went to the skills zone. Once we were done we switched so we went to the  skills zone and the other school went to the Tokyo game zone.

I enjoyed  trying out the skills zone challenges my favourite challenge was the Power jump. There were 6 cones altogether each team had 3 cones. There were 2 teams it was a boys vs girls if u jump beside the first cone you would get 2 points the second cone was for 3 point and the last cone was for 10 points. I liked the Power jump because I kept getting the 3rd cone exept for the first time.  I learnt that when you're an athlete you need to eat a balanced diet. I recommended going there because it was really fun.

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Term 2 Reflection

 Aloha Bloggers!

Today I made a Reflection about what I enjoyed, what I learnt, what was challenging this term and something I am proud of. First I made a google drawing, I chanegd the backround colour to white. I added a text box and wrote intisde the text box altogether I had 7 text boxs. At the bottum I wrote End of term 2 Reflection. I coloured the left side text boxs Black and the right side text boxs light green.

Here is an image of what I did.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Bike riding

 Hello Bloggers!

Today in the middle block Paterson class had bike riding, today was the first session. Jason talked about the helemt saftey Rules. Jason gave the tall people the big bikes and the rest of us went and picked a bike. Jason and Loni were our coaches. Loni was teaching the people that didnt know how to ride a bike. 

I learnt the directions when your on the road, if you put out your hand on the right side it means your going right and if your puting it on the left side it means it going left, and if you put your hand straight so your fingers are facing upwards that means stop. The 4 letters A,B,C, and D, A stands for air B stands for brakes C stands for chain and D stands for direction. Riding the bike slow was a bit hard beacuse I  kept losing my balance.

 I enjoyed learning and doing the directions, I liked the turtle game you had to go slow and the slowest would win I liked it even though I kept losing my balance. I'm feeling confidient about tomorrows session because when we were gonna ride the bikes I thought I forgot how to ride a bike cause I hadn't rid a bike in a long time.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Wonder Project

 Hello Bloggers

We have been learning about how to to make rockets. I learnt about Newton's laws of motion, aerodynamic and much more. We designed our rockets on a paper then we took bits of everyones rockets and drew it on the booklets. We made the fins out of cardboard, we made the nose cone out of bottles. The 4 main forces are thrust, drag, weight, and lift. My favourite part of the wonder project was designing the rocket. I found drawing on the bottle challenging because the bottle wasnt flat. I woud like to this again but next time I would have 4 fins. If you add too much water it will be heavy and it wont go far.

Some of the Safety Rules

  • Dont stand too close to the rocket when your lauching it because it might hit you
  • The Psi cant be over 60
  • Dont launch your rocket when it rainy or windy
  • wear safety glasses and hi-vis vest
  • wait until the rocket has landed before u go to retrieve it.

Friday, June 25, 2021

Wayfinding Navigation

Hello Bloggers! 

About 2 weeks ago Paterson class started learning about wayfinding navigation. I started making a waka on tinkercad 3 days ago. It was hard to make the sails but luckily my teacher told us how to make the sails. I used the colours brown and black I didn't want to use too many colours. In the center of the beam I have a hut, this is where everyone sleeps and eats. The colour of my hut is dark brown, I have 2 sails that are coloured brown. The hulls of my waka are brown as well.

Everyone on the waka has jobs my job on the Waka is to be a cook. There is only 1 captain and for the other jobs there can be more than 1 person. We have a lot of jobs.

Our class made symbols that represents them, then we glued them onto the cardboard waka. There were a lot of symbols. We traced the same symbol on another piece of paper then we cut the symbol out. I made 4 of the same symbols. I had 2 blues, 1 pink and 1 green.

Here is my waka

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Exquisite sentence

 Kon'nichiwa Bloggers!

Yesterday I started writing. I had some subjects I could write about and I choose the Black hole. In each sentence we had to have a Subject, Verb, Noun, and a adective. I choose my favourite sentence and coloured it in Blue. I had 8 sentences, I wrote as much as I could. My teacher wrote some Verbs and Nouns to help us if we couldn't think of anything to write for the Verb and Noun.

Here is my writing

The Black hole is a Big circle but there is no light so it's impossible to stand on top of it.Astronomers spot a super-rare class of black hole for the first time |  Engadget

Thursday, April 15, 2021

My first book

Hello Bloggers!

This week I have been working on a book. It is about me and It has 5 pages. The front cover has the title of the book. 

Before I started creating the book I wrote a autobiographie writing. Once I was done with the autobiographie writing I could start on my book. At first I didnt know how to use the book creator but I tested somethings out and found out what I could do. I also got a bit of help with how to write in the book creator. I could change the backround, change the font, and change the size of the text. There were so many things I could do. Book Creator

I added some black roses underneath my title for the cover and added 2 black lines on the sides. For the First  page I added a picture of me and a bit about me self. I also talked about my about my child hood life experience I wrote about when I lost my first tooth. On the fourth page I wrote my hobbies intererts and Passion for the last page I wrote about my future plans. I wrote what I want to be when I grow up.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Kennings Poem

Hello Bloggers!

On Monday I made a Kennings Poem. I finished writing the Poem then I published it. After that I changed the backround colour and changed the font. Then for the second slide I found an image of a tree and inserted it, then I found an image of the animal I was doing. I also added a bowl filled with water and a house. I added 2 clouds and a sun. 

I participated in the ako hiko poetry slam. We also looked at some Kennings poems and Haiku poems. 
Can you guess the animal I did? Please leave me your guess in the comments.

Here is the slideshow

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Thunder storm

66,000 lightning strikes, more thunderstorms due | RNZ News

 Ni Hao Bloggers!

Today I had to write a few sentences or a short paragraph about Thunder. I wrote down my ideas then I started writing. I started thinking of what I would see or hear if I were to be caught in a thunder storm. I started writing about the sky first, Then I wrote about the lighting, I added a similie. I wrote down 4 sentences. Once I was done with writing all that. I read my writing to make sure it made sence, I reread it just incase, I noticed that in some places I added 2 spaces. 

Here is my writing.

The sky went dark Grey. Suddenly I Heard lightning above me. I started hearing Heavy rain and rumbles. The rumbling was as loud as a roaring lion, Crack! a branch of a tree fell down as I was trying to take my umbrella out of my bag, I looked up at the sky a thunderstorm with hail and intense coldness. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Kawa of care

 Ohayo Blogggers!

Today I had to write 3 important things you can do to look after your chromebook and I also had to highlight it in green, I had to do 3 more but highlight it in yellow. In the starting I was a bit confused because I didnt know what to do, but then I went to our class site and clicked on wednesday then I found out what to do. 


First I wrote kawa of care on top of the page, then I started writing the important things you can do to look after your chromebook. For the first one I did don´t leave your chromebook lying around, For my second one I did don´t use your chromebook while eating, and for the third one I did repect your chromebook. Now for the yellow ones, for the first yellow one I did DON´T slam your chromebook screen, and now the second one, I did dont tangle your chromebook charger, and finally the last one which is when your outside put your chromebook in a case or hold it with 2 hands.

I also did another one, this time I had to show how to follow the rule´s. I could only choose 3 or 5 colours I wanted to do pastel colours I also had to put an image that matched. Finding the image was easy. It take me a few minutes to finish this.

Here are the Images of what I did today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021


Hello Bloggers!

This Morning I had Google meet at 10:00 I had to make Onomatopoeia words. Our teacher sent us a link to a Jamboard On the Jamboard there were sticky Notes with Peopleś name on it, once I had found my name I wrote down some Onomatopoeia words I had to write 5 Onomatopoeia word. My Onomatopoeia Words were splash, meow, tapping, Bang, Bark, a onomatopoeia is a dialogue.

Once I had finished writing down the Onomatopoeia words, I went to My drive and went to Google drawing then I looked for some images of water splashing I found one and inserted it. I looked for an image of a cat but this time I search Cat Png this one was a little difficult because most of them had a backround.  Finally I found some images with no backrounds I choose one and inserted it. For the 3rd one I did tapping  I searched table Png this was bit was easy then I resized the image once I had finished with that I searched for tapping Png I found one and placed it near the tabled. For my last one I choose Bark I searched dog Png and I inserted a the picture of a dog this one was also easy. My Favourite one is the Bang, I really enjoyed doing this, it was a fun activity.