Thursday, September 9, 2021

Health & PE - 3

 Ola Bloggers!

Whano Whano

Whano Whano is a maori game that you can play in a pair. A player says Funnel to start the game and both players get into a position you can put one leg behind and one leg foward or you can put your legs together or apart. If you have the same position as the other player you say he and first one to say he gets a point, but if you dont have the same position and a player says he the other player gets the point. If you call it at the same time the player that is the loudest gets the point. I played Whano whano for about 18 minutes with my siblings I didnt win all the rounds but I did manage to get 31 wins.

Tug of Peace

I got some rope and tied the ends together then I placed the rope on the ground. Then everyone sat around the rope. We all grabed the rope with 2 hands and tried to stand up while holding onto the rope. We could not let go of the rope and touch the ground. I tried to get up and fall down I accidentally let go of the rope. This game was really fun I enjoyed it a lot and maybe you should try it.

Heu - Tongan Stick Game

Heu is a village game you need 4 sticks. 1 long and 2 short sticks you need 1 more stick to shuck the top stick on the triangle. Make a triangle with a hole make sure there is 1 stick that is on top of the other 2 sticks. Use your 4th stick which also needs to be long and shuck the stick thats on top of the 2 other sticks fowards. If the other plays catch the stick your out. If they cant catch it they need to throw it in the hole. If the stick hits the long stick your out.

Impaired muscle power

I made my own throwing game I used a hat, chairs, and rolled up rocks. First I placed the hat in the center then I place a chair infront of the hat and I kept doing that but each time I placed the chair it would be further than than the chair I placed before also the chairs need to be in a circle or oval shape I placed a rolled up sock on each chair. for getting a sock in the hat you get a point if you miss you need to keep going and while your throwing the socks you need to be seated on the chair. Whoever has more socks in the hat wins.

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