Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Health & PE - 1

Ciao Bloggers!

Today I was a bit bored so I wanted to do one of the activitys from the choice board. I choose Health & Pe. I started of with the 1st once getting active I did 5 Starjumps, 5 Burpees, 5 Squats, 5 lunges, and 5 high knees. The hardest one for me was the Burpees. The easiest was starjumps.

 Next I started with my 2nd activity Teamwork. I got a sheet and some Plastic balls. The Pastic balls were the popcorn. I placed the Plastic balls on the sheet and then Me and my siblings counted for how long it stayed in the air. We kept the Plastic balls on the sheet for about 13 seconds by the time we reached the 5th second the balls started falling off. 

The 3rd activity was called Coordination. In this activity I used 4 items to make the tallest tower I could. I used a Jar of cookies, bucket of Honey, Tissue Box, and a bottle, I stacked them on top of each other. I put the jar of cookies on the ground and I put the bucket of honey on top of the jar and at last I put the bottle on top of the tissue box carefully. My tower was as tall as my hip. I did this again and this time I wanted to try and make it taller I used Baking Paper, foil wrap, cleaning spray, and lotion. I place the baking paper on the ground. First I placed it so it was facing upwards then I placed the foil wrap in the same way as I did to the baking paper this next bit was quiet hard. The lid of the lotion was very small and the lid of the cleaning spray. I asked my brother to help me and he did so he held the lotion and put it on top of the foil wrap I put the cleaning spray on top of the lotion. We both let go very carfully I stood next to it to see how tall it was. It was taller than my hip, it was right underneath my shoulder.

This next activity is called paralympics. This one was a hoping marathon, I made circuit around my house and I hopped around on 1 leg I did this 5 times to make it a bit challenging. I didnt want to stop because If I did I might of fell down. I fell down twice so I restarted. These Activitys were really fun but these aren't all of the activitys. I'm going to do 4 more activitys tomorrow.


  1. Good for you Mina....sounds like you enjoyed doing the activities.

    Why don't you try some Jump Jam tomorrow with Brett Fairweather. He is an old friend of mine. We used to have a fitness business together called Top Gunz Aerobic Academy. We training aerobic instructors and competitive athletes.

    I look forward to reading our blog tomorrow....Miss P

  2. Hello Miss P

    Thats so interesting and yeah maybe I should try Jump Jam with brett Fairweather.


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