Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Kawa of care

 Ohayo Blogggers!

Today I had to write 3 important things you can do to look after your chromebook and I also had to highlight it in green, I had to do 3 more but highlight it in yellow. In the starting I was a bit confused because I didnt know what to do, but then I went to our class site and clicked on wednesday then I found out what to do. 


First I wrote kawa of care on top of the page, then I started writing the important things you can do to look after your chromebook. For the first one I did don´t leave your chromebook lying around, For my second one I did don´t use your chromebook while eating, and for the third one I did repect your chromebook. Now for the yellow ones, for the first yellow one I did DON´T slam your chromebook screen, and now the second one, I did dont tangle your chromebook charger, and finally the last one which is when your outside put your chromebook in a case or hold it with 2 hands.

I also did another one, this time I had to show how to follow the rule´s. I could only choose 3 or 5 colours I wanted to do pastel colours I also had to put an image that matched. Finding the image was easy. It take me a few minutes to finish this.

Here are the Images of what I did today.

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